The Honors Program is open to all students who have met high academic standards and who wish to participate in an educational plan that provides a unified introduction to the nature and growth of human knowledge. But there’s more to Honors students than the pursuit of higher education. SBCC Honors students also want fun and comradeship. Our student-wing of the program, The Honors Guild, puts on events, runs a magazine (you can read it here), and offers the chance to be involved in leadership. They also just hang out and laugh a lot. Our students come from Santa Barbara, Solvang, Los Angeles, Stockholm, South Africa, Brazil, NorCal, Boston, Florida, North Carolina and Lompoc. You are “they.”
We want you! Join us! Apply today!
How to Apply
Applications for the Honors Program must be filed with the Honors Program Director. All new and returning students requesting entrance into the Honors Program are required to file two applications: an application for admission to SBCC and a separate application including a writing sample for admission into the Honors Program. Official high school transcripts must be submitted with the applications of students using high school records to qualify. Continuing students are required to file only the application for admission to the Honors Program.
Application forms and further information may be obtained on this website, or from the Academic Counseling Center and the Honors Program Director’s office (IDC-311).
The application deadline for admission to SBCC and the Honors Program each fall semester is in August. In order for a student’s application to be considered by the Honors Program Committee, English and Mathematics placement examination scores and all supporting materials must be on file at Admissions and Records. Placement examination dates and locations may be obtained from the Assessment Office.
Eligibility for Honors Program
Students may apply for entrance to the Honors Program based on high school transcripts. For consideration, a student's high school grade point average must be at least 3.0, with no grade below a "C" in an academic subject.
Continuing, returning and transfer students who have completed 12 units of academic course work may apply for entrance into the Honors Program based on college units completed. A minimum overall college grade point average of 3.0 is required, with no grade below a "C" in an academic subject.
To be accepted into the Honors Program, students must demonstrate eligibility for ENG 110 and at least MATH 107. Mathematics eligibility is met with three years of high school math, including two years of algebra, with grades of "C" or better.
It is expected that some potential Honors students entering from high school will have satisfied the SBCC ENG 110 requirement by earning a 4 or 5 on the Advanced Placement English exam or by completing SBCC ENG 110 in high school. These students should contact the SBCC Assessment Office for placement into the appropriate English course.
Rolling applications accepted. All Santa Barbara County students who have no college classes and who are coming to SBCC from a local high school will be considered for a scholarship if your application is in by August 1, 2016. This scholarship is assigned and cannot be applied for.